Tuesday, April 16, 2013

We ❤HK

After a grueling trans-pacific flight, we arrived at our hostel in the hip Causeway Bay district on Hong Kong Island to find that our room didn't provide much more space than our seats on the plane. It's a good thing we're both so short! Even Anna could touch opposite walls with her head and toes!

We were a but surprised to learn that the Chinese Embassy in HK was closed over the Holiday for 4 days(!) while our application was being processed. So, we made the best of it; spending the first few days walking a lot and getting to know the place.

We found the city to be very clean and safe, with towering skyscrapers in every direction, the Metro making any destination into a short trip, lots of different kinds of food and people from all over the world. Truly one of the most diverse places we've ever seen. Also we were amazed at the conspicuous display of wealth with the fanciest cars on every corner and people dressed to the nines all around us. We felt quite underdressed in our jeans and tees...

We stayed on the lucky 13th floor!

Bamboo scaffolding is everywhere, climbing even up the sides of the tallest towers! Amazing use of a simple, light and strong natural material in a concrete jungle.

The view of the city from the top of Victoria peak.

The Star Ferry boat: Northern Star returning to the Island after dropping us off on the Peninsula.

Anna could beat up Bruce Lee (if he was standing still)... She's pretty good at Kung Fu.

Enjoying some dim sum and noodles at La Mian Long Xiao Bao (great suggestion, Paul!)

Spirally incense burning in the temple.

Sea-mist's effect on a carabiner on Tung Lung Island.

We had a little Easter egg hunt of our own out at the sea cliffs.

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